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Dr Sasha Hvidsten

Child and Adolescent Consultant Psychiatrist


CAMHS Birmingham and Midlands

Dr Sasha Hvidsten is an experienced Child and Adolescent Consultant Psychiatrist. She is committed to working with patients and their families to enable them to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

Dr Sasha Hvidsten has experience of helping children, adolescents and young adults with a wide range of difficulties including neuropsychiatric disorders. Her initial qualification as a paediatrician before training to become a psychiatrist gives her specialist expertise in helping those whose difficulties overlap both physical and mental health issues.

Qualifications and Experience

Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Member of the Royal College of Psychiatry.

Post Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Law.

General Medical Council

Full Registration number 4278818

Specialist Register (Child and adolescent Psychiatry)

Section 12(2) Mental Health Act and Approved clinician.

Medical Education

1991 - 1996 University of Birmingham




​2005 MRCPsych

2015 PGCert (LLM)

Medico-Legal Experience

Dr Hvidsten has extensive experience in the preparation of reports including medico-legal reports for:

Personal injury cases

Criminal cases

Family cases, including divorce and child protection

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