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Portia Badza



Portia is an experienced Senior Registered Nurse and Independent Nurse Prescriber with many years of experience working within substance misuse.

Portia has experience of working with clients with complex substance misuse issues, including complex mental and physical health needs. Portia has extensive experience of working with brain injured clients, including learning difficulties, ADHD, autism and Asperger's.

Portia has worked in the NHS, community and private sector and has effective and thorough skills in history taking, diagnoses and treatment. Ability to critically analyse nursing practice in order to initiate change to improve standards and outcome of care utilising communication, prioritising, delegation, management and leadership skills.

Qualifications and Experience: Registered General Nurse, Independent Nurse Prescriber and Supplementary Prescriber

Experience of working with:
-complex in-patient detox substance misuse  
-community substance misuse service         
-substance misuse liaison         
-medical ward      
-accident and emergency    
-coronary care  
-intensive care unit                          
-brain injury rehabilitation         
-management and leadership

Medico-legal experience:
-Experience of working as an expert witness, preparing and writing care reports.

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