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Worried about anxiety?

Anxiety is common and especially after we have experienced the changes caused by the pandemic, anxiety has been problematic for many of us.

For some parents it can be hard to know when anxiety needs treatment or whether it's a 'normal part of being a teenager' or young adult.

When should you worry?

If anxiety is stopping you from doing the things that you want to do then you might need some help.

Anxiety screening tool - age 8-18

Specific Phobias

Sometimes, anxiety can be very specific for example being afraid of spiders or balloons. Tailored talking therapy (CBT) can be very helpful for this sort of difficulty. After an initial assessment you would then see a psychology or nursing colleagues to engage in this sort of talking therapy which is usually very effective.

Agoraphobia and Social Phobia

It might be that the young person experiences high levels of anxiety when they need to leave the house, worrying about seeing their peer group, struggling with busy shopping centres, crowded school corridors or public transport.

And assessment allows for correct therapy to be put in place. In this case it is important to make sure there isn't any underlying issues, for example, autistic spectrum disorder or depression.

Further useful information can be found here

Royal College of psychiatrists Anxiety leaflet

Parents and carers leaflet - Anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Generalised Anxiety

Panic Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive disorder

Depression can also present with anxiety