Costs and Fees

Dr Sasha Hvidsten and colleagues provide a range of services. 

All recommendations and treatment will be discussed with you prior to making any commitments.

Initial consultant assessment and psychiatric report - £500 (for self funding patients). An initial consultation is advised before other tests are requested.  Book an Appointment

Follow up appointments - 30 minutes £225     Book an appointment

60 minutes (if required) £450 Book an Appointment


ADHD assessment (if offered after initial consultant appointment)

Conners rating scales - £800

Qb test - £300 (only needed if advised)


Adult ADHD testing - £1100

DIVA (£800)

Qb test (£300)


Autism assessment - £1550 (2 parts plus a final report)

ADOS (Autism diagnostic observation schedule) - completed with nursing and other colleagues £775

3Di (three dimensional developmental questionnaire) - £775


Repeat prescription fee - (if not issued during an appointment) - £30         Repeat prescription

Letter charge - - £30           Letter-charge


Therapy services - 


Nurse appointment - 30 minutes - £85

Nurse appointment - 60 minutes - £170 



Psychology appointment - 30 minutes - £95

Psychology appointment - 60 minutes - £190

IQ testing - £850


Educational Psychology:

Initial assessment and report (includes observation, discussion with staff and consultation report) - £800

Full educational psychology assessment and report -  £1500

Psychoeducation sessions for parents - 45 minutes - £200


Speech and Language Therapy:

Speech and language assessment (including report) £580

Speech and language therapy assessment (comprehensive with treatment suggestions) - £1000



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